Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Mediation tasks in KPG by Evangelia Xirofotou - Report

Ms. Xirofotou’s talk was about the writing task of mediation in the KPG exams.

She first gave us various definitions what mediation is and then went on to give us examples of students (15-16) writing samples and the mistakes they have made from November 2003.

From these samples, it shows that the students have been using personal pronouns (you, us, we) and tend to personalize the task and also give their own opinion on the subject, which is not correct when the task asks for mediation and not analyzing the graph/ text.

The audience pointed out that this happened because students might not actually have been taught how to do this and that students need specific instructions, a variety of texts to work on.

Another problem would be that the rubric does not specify exactly the task and its purpose.

As a result, students need a lot of practice and gradual preparation, in order to understand the task.

All in all it was an interesting and very informative talk.

By Theodora Papapanagiotou

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