Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Thinking outside the (EFL) box...How to facilitate critical and creative thinking skills development in your EFL class - Webinar with Dimitris Primalis

According to C. McGuiness (1999), “focusing on thinking skills in the classroom is important because it supports active cognitive processing which makes for better learning. “ But what exactly do we mean by critical and creative thinking skills? How important are they for EFL/ESL learners? How can we incorporate them seamlessly without burdening our –  usually jam-packed – syllabus? How can they be exploited to boost language skills such as speaking, writing, reading and listening? A practical workshop with activities, tips and hints for front line teachers.

Dimitris Primalis is an EFL teacher who needs no introduction. He is an author and Cambridge English Language Assessment oral examiner. He has been teaching for more than 20 years and applies his knowledge and experience to introducing innovation and change into the daily teaching practice. He believes that motivation, creativity, critical thinking, collaboration and communication can be the driving forces in TEFL. His views and work are shared in his columns in the ELT News, the BELTA Bulletin and his blog, “A different side of EFL” . He has presented his work in many conferences in Greece and abroad. Dimitris was awarded the 2013 IATEFL Learning Technologies SIG scholarship and was selected as an Expert Innovative Educator by Microsoft (2014-15). He is working at Doukas, a private primary school in Athens, Greece. We are happy and honoured that Dimitris Primalis will be leading our webinar!

Join us by just clicking on the link: https://tesolmt.org/category/webinars/
           Make sure to follow very few easy steps and you will be ready to attend our webinar!

Listen to Dimitris Primalis speaking on "Teachers Coffee" radio show about the contents of the TESOL Macedonia Thrace Northern Greece Webinar on Sunday 7th May at 6:00. Follow the link: https://www.mixcloud.com/TeachersCoffee/teachers-coffee-7/

Monday, April 10, 2017

TESOL Macedonia-Thrace Northern Greece Lesson Plan Competition - Us and Them: A play by David Campton

Were you in the 24th Annual International Conference of TESOL MTh? Did you attend the performance of Us and Them by ‘’Luke & Friends”? 

Even if you have not attended the performance, you have a unique chance to try out your lesson planning skills!  Read the play and create a lesson plan on how you would use this play in class with your students. How would you work on this text in class? Send us your lesson plans stating your aims, a short rationale (100 words) behind and state the procedure in stages. If you want you can also supply a short class profile (70 words). Entries need to be submitted in PDF format. 

The committee, which go through a blind reading of the submissions, will consist of 

  • Dr. Luke Prodromou 
  • Ms. Foteini Malkogeorgou 
  • Dr. Linda Manney 

The deadline for submissions is May 10th 2017 and the winner will be announced in the Summer Event of our Association and s/he will be given a year’s free membership to TESOL Macedonia-Thrace and a bottle of wine to celebrate winning.The winner will have to write an article in ELTeaser outlining his/her rationale and aims.  

For access to the text of the play click here
For more information just check here on our blog.