Thursday, March 31, 2022

TESOL MTH NORTHERN GREECE has elected a new board

A new board to RESTART Tesol MTH/NG 

On Sunday 20th March TESOL MTH / NG managed to have a great turnout of 50 participants in the ''Restarting Ourselves' session led by the ...virtual Tanya Livarda, the really amazing and totally present Maria Polychrou and Antigoni Melidonioti. 

 After the end of the session members enjoyed coffee, juice and cakes sponsored by Express Publishing. 

Then Maria-Araxi Sachpazian explained what happened in the AGM of 2020 and explained why the limbo had been deemed necessary.  The interim controller went on to present the Fiscal Report to account for the money that was received during the conference 2020. Finally, messages from plenary speakers, friends of TESOL MTH/NG and Associates were played or read. 

George Topalis led the election committee with Pheadra Zaga and Poppy Alexopoulou as members. Maria Sachpazian asked members to vote with a show of hands if they agreed for members to be nominated by proxy (via zoom connection). This was accepted. The AGM is the body that makes the ultimate decisions of the association, voted that a shorter more flexible board will work better so we now have a board of 5 members, two alternate members and an oversight committee consisting of two people. 

After the elections the following results were announced. Here we include the later voting of the board regarding the roles of the members of the board. 

Ms.Maria-Araxi Sachpazian, Chair  

Dr. Vicky Papachristou, Vice-Chair 

Ms. Antigoni Melidonioti, Secretary General 

Ms. Tanya Livarda, Member 

Ms. Maria Polychrou, Member 

Mr. George Raptopoulos, Alternate Member 

Ms. Joanna Tsiolakis, Alternate Member 

Supervisory Committee 

Mr. Manolis Kontovas 

Dr. Linda Manney 

(Ms. Cathy Salonikidis) 

Huge thanks to all members who came to the event and to those who put their names on the TESOL MTH/NG ballot. It means the world to the board and to the members that TESOL MTH/NG is back in action. 

Thanks to Philip Dietschi and to Express Publishing. 

Friday, March 18, 2022

Let us RESTART TESOL and make it stronger, bigger and more dynamic!

At the International Publishers Exhibition, at the MET Hotel, on Sunday 20th March 2022, at 16:00 right after the 'Let us Restart ourselves' session, the TESOL MTH Annual General Meeting, which was interrupted in February 2020, will be repeated. 

*Do you want to help TESOL MTH? 

*Have you been a member of TESOL MTH since 2018 at least? 

*Then put your name on the ballot! 

*This is the point to decide if we want TESOL MTH to remail active or not. 

Watch the video for more information and come to the International Publishers Exhibition on Saturday 19th March and on Sunday 20th March to get more information and to support TESOL MTH! 

Heartfelt thanks to Philip Dietch for hosting us and to Express Publishing for sponsoring our coffee break! 


Tuesday, March 15, 2022

TESOL MACEDONIA-THRACE  AGM at the International Publisher's Exhibition. 
The MET Hotel, Thessaloniki  19th and 20th March 2022 

After two years in limbo TESOL Macedonia-Thrace, Northern Greece is holding its AGM that was postponed from February 2020 to March 2020 and could not be held due to the lockdowns. Now, thanks to the generosity of Philip Dietchi, we have a unique opportunity to meet face to face and run our elections. 

On Sunday 20th March at the MET Hotel at 15:00, Tania Livarda, Maria Polychrou and Antigoni Melidonioti will be presenting a joint session entitled 

''Let us restart ourselves!'' 

The speakers have shared the following summaries with us: 

Title: Hey Teacher…. where’s your magic wand?

 Summary: Are we magic weavers? Do we do magic every day? Do we have invisible, magical powers? What is our magic spell and magic word? In other words, how can we cope with being teachers, facilitators, mentors, leaders, and coaches at the same time? And how are all these connected to our darkest friend…burnout? Don’t forget to bring your magic wand and magic spell with you!

Ms Tanya Livarda  holds a BA and an MA in TESOL, a CELTA and DELTA. She works as ab EFL Teacher abd Oral Examiner

                                                Title: Reinventing ourselves through Educational Drama

 Smmary: Is it important to reinvent ourselves as educators in order to reinvent our classes? Which path of exploration should we follow with our students so as to go beyond standard approaches? How can we lead our classes from the personal to the critical? Educational Drama is the key to critical reflection, reinvention and social change! Reinvent Yourselves and Become Spect- Actors!!

Ms Maria Polychrou holds a BA and an MA Theatre in Education. She is an EFL Teacher, Oral Examiner, Teacher Trainer and Adult Education Teacher

 Title : The hungry caterpillar goes digital

 Summary: Is it possible for Baby Boomers and Generation X to keep up with the Millennials or is it a lost cause? Are educational apps and webtools an invaluable asset or a nuisance in order to revolutionise and transform learning? A passing fad or the new reality? Can the hungry caterpillar go digital and transform learning apart from ourselves? To what extent?

 Ms Antigoni Melidonioti  holds a CELTA and is an EFL Teacher, Teacher Trainer, Oral Examiner, and School Owner.

 At 15:50 when the session ends, EXPRESS PUBLISHING will be treating us to coffee. After the coffee break, we will hold our AGM to elect our Board and Supervisory Committee. It is very important for all members to attend and run for the board (provided they have been TESOL MTH members for at least a year before the limbo). 

If you want to ask for more information email