Wednesday, January 3, 2024

TESOL Macedonia-Thrace, Northern Greece January 2024 Event


     Adrian Underhill presenting a webinar in January 2024 

  We are delighted to be inviting you to a webinar with the one and only Adrian Underhill. 

The session will be held on Sunday 14th January 2024 at 17:00. 
The link will be sent to only the members of TESOL MTH/NG on Friday 12th January 2024. 

The speaker wrote about his webinar:

In this webinar I  will suggest that our current system of pronunciation teaching is based on several faulty assumptions and as a result our pronunciation teaching methodology is in an evolutionary cul de sac. For example, pronunciation work is (still) a kind of add-on rather than being fully integrated into everything that happens in the classroom. And behavourist assumptions are still alive and well although perhaps in a more colourful and usable form. I will propose some contrasting assumptions that could free us up to see the experience of pronunciation differently and to imagine different learning activities with different outcomes. I will illustrate some of these activities.

 Adrian Underhill needs no introduction. He is the series editor of the Macmillan Books for Teachers, author of Sound Foundations: Learning and Teaching Pronunciation and an advisor in the development of Macmillan English Dictionary. After working as a teacher and trainer for many years and as director of the International Teacher Training Institute at International House in Hastings, Adrian now works as an ELT consultant and trainer. As past president of IATEFL, Adrian started the first IATEFL interest group which was in Teacher Development. His current interests include not only pronunciation teaching, but applications of complexity theory and holistic thinking to learning and to the way we teach and work. Find out more about our speaker by visiting his website: